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radiation hazard中文是什么意思

用"radiation hazard"造句"radiation hazard"怎么读"radiation hazard" in a sentence


  • 放射危害
  • 辐射损伤
  • 辐射危害性
  • 辐射危险


  • Natural radiation hazards in construction materials
  • What does the " radiation hazards " warning sign refer to
  • Chronic radiation hazard
  • Non - ionizing radiation hazards in the frequency range from 1o mhz to 300 000 mhz
    频率范围为10mhz - 300 , 000mhz的非电离的辐射危险
  • " po - 210 can only present a radiation hazard if it is taken into the body by breathing it in , by taking it into the mouth or if it gets into a wound
  • " po - 210 can only present a radiation hazard if it is taken into the body - by breathing it in , by taking it into the mouth or if it gets into a wound
  • Risk factor is a quantitative measure of radiation hazards . it is an essential factor which should be considered in assessing the deleterious effects of radiation and setting up dose limits
  • Risk factor is a quantitative measure of radiation hazards . it is an essential factor which should be considered in assessing the deleterious effects of radiation and setting up dose limits
  • The achievement of proper operating conditions , prevention of accident or mitigation of accident consequences , resulting in protection of workers , the public and environment from undue radiation hazard
用"radiation hazard"造句  


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